Tuesday, 6 September 2011

A story by my brother

As the title suggests, this is a story by my little brother. Being the typical 15 year old that he is, he's capable of everything - writing, reading the classics, being the Prime Minister and knowing the royal family. So, as proof of this, I gave him a writing task. He was required to write a story about a zombie raid in London (don't ask, I thought it'd be an easy one) and keep it around 500 words.

For someone who's never really written before (excluding schoolwork), it's not a bad piece of text and reminds me of how I used to write as a wee boy.

Now, without further ado, here it is.


On the 22nd of September London was a perfectly normal city where normal people were doing normal every day things. This was untill scientists discovered an outbreak of some sort of unknown disease. This bemused scientists for a long while,they werent sure what the symptoms were and how the disease broke out. The first person they warned was the prime minister David Cameron.

Jack who was a top London scientist worked long hours to learn more about this disease no one had heard of because there was no name for it. Jack done his tests by using someone who was In the early stages of the disease. The tests that came back had never been seen before. Bare in mind jack was a top London scientist he was confused so he called in a couple more scientists to check the results and they had no answers. Meanwhile the patient is locked up for safety reasons, this was because they didn't know what the disease was. For example, if It was infectious or not. When jack goes back to check on the patient he is asleep. When the patient is proded by jack a couple he wakes up with red eyes and attempts to bite jack. This makes jack immediately go to the phone to warn the prime minister that there is an out break of a very serious and life threatening disease that could spread worldwide. The prime minister is advised to leave the country as soon as possible.

On the 24th of september the disease is spreading across the whole of England and starting to spread worldwide. For the last 2 days jack has been saying with a couple army soldiers for security. There are four of them in total including jack. Matt,Sam and Alex are the army soldiers. They have been forced to kill the people who are infected with this still unknown disease. The main priority to them is to reach loved ones and to protect them from this vile disease. Jack has this theory that if you are bitten by someone who is infected or blood goes in your mouth or eyes then you become infected with the disease.for this reason they wear masks at all times to protect themselves. With matt, Sam and Alex being in the army they have weapons to kill the infected. The only way to kill the infected is to remove the head or destroy the brain. The only weapon jack has is a baseball bat to protect himself and to fight off the infected. It was too late to find a cure for this killer disease because it was to dangerous to go back to the lab for jack and the equipment to test on the infected would have been destroyed. Who jack and his army crew could do was stay alive and hope things would eventually calm down.

(The end)

When I read this and mentioned the Shaun of the Dead similarities (removing the head and destroying the brain & baseball bat), Tyla claimed (key word here) that it was accidental. Hmmm.

Location:Chelmsford, Essex

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