Monday, 11 April 2011

Assignment H

As a side note, I still haven't done assignment G as it was one I've found a little tricky. I'll do it next week when I'm back on campus and able to get back to work properly (I'm having one of those break things back in Chelmsford right now which means doing no work and just lazing around. Standard me.

Assignment H, however, I did do in which we had to take a memorable or significant event in our lives and write yet another poem about it. We then had to reverse the poem and see which sounded better. Sorted. (For the record, I thought the second one sounded better). This was done in two parts, the second I'll describe below.


Travelling down the wavey slide
Picking up speed
Downward path ahead of me
No other way to go
Approaching the wave
Ready to somersault forwards
Flying through the air
Ground approaching fast
Summer green grass ready to take my fall
Landing on hard, dry ground
A guaranteed injury
The result of skating down a slide
The result of skating down a slide
A guaranteed injury
Landing on hard, dry ground
Summer green grass ready to take my fall
Ground approaching fast
Flying through the air
Ready to somersault forwards
Approaching the wave
No other way to go
Downward path ahead of me
Picking up speed
Travelling down the wavey slide


For part 2 we had to take one of the memorable lines and write a short piece about it. The following was my written piece:


The event of which I wrote about happened in the summer of 2004/5 which of course, meant summer green grass would be around. Me and my cousin had been going down a ‘wavey’ slide on a skateboard but just sitting down. I, however, thought it would be clever to step up a notch and go down the slide on the skateboard standing up. Possibly one of the worst ideas ever.
I prepared myself at the top of the slide by balancing one foot on the tail and my other on the tongue which was in the air. After a count of three I pushed my front foot down and began travelling down the slide.
All was fine for around a second and a half and then it all went wrong. I was launched into the air where I managed to somersault and land full body-weight onto my elbow. The second I hit, a huge pain shot up my arm which turned into a warm tingle which refused to budge.
An hour later, my elbow was the size of a cricket ball and impossible to move. A visit to the hospital was in order. It wasn’t broken but the bone was cracked.
That elbow still likes to crack (in the knuckle way) at random occasions.

The worst ideas create the best memories. (Copyright to me!)

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