Monday, 7 March 2011

Assignment D

This one was set last week and should have been put up in the same week but, alas, I forgot, didn't I? Classic Pete. Enough woefulness, however, lets move onto the assignment.

This (last) week we had to rewrite the following excerpt in our own style however we liked:

"and you tell me my other self will you answer me at last I am tired of you I want you I dream of you for you against you answer me your name is a perfume about me your colour bursts among the thorns bring back my heart with coll wine make me a coverlet of the morning I suffocate beneath this mask withered shrunken skin nothing exists save desire - Philippe Sollers (1936 - )

The piece above was type exactly as it was given to us - no punctuation, no sentence structure, no sense but with some close reading and a thesaurus I managed to come up with the following entitled "My Other Self":

You ask my other self
The one which answers words
Why I dream of you many times
Despite being tired of you

Give me your name
A wish upon my mind
A possible demand
Who am I writing of?

Against your wishes
I want to dream of you
And the thorns
Which are a perfume to me

Your colours
And your wines
Are bedclothes covers
Over me in the morning chill

Your mask suffocates me
With desirous skin
Which exists in this world
Nothing but shrunken
And withered to grey dust


When read in class it generally received good comments, especially about the first verse and final line. Another piece of writing I was quite happy with. Sadly I don't really know what it means, the words just came out after reading the extract. Oh well.

Strange isn't it? When I started uni just 6 months ago, I hated poetry (still do at times) but now a lot of my assignments are written in a poetic style. Maybe I'm a sell-out/fraud?

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