Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Good news re. previous post

As you may have read in my previous post (if you did read it,that is), I'd written a review for my current living area of Beckton/UEL. This article was sent off and, after waiting a few days I got a nice reply of:

"Thank you for submitting to London Impact. We have looked at your work and we will be using it in our debut online publication".

So it looks like my journey as an article writer is beginning.

I have also applied and will be appearing in another article site due to appear on Friday. I'll keep the name secret until my article appears. Saying that, it won't be mentioned on this blog so you'll just have to find it yourself. Think of it as a treasure hunt, if you'd consider a book review to be treasurable.

If I write an article to appear on one of the sites it won't be appearing on here and vice versa. Best to keep things fresh and different, wouldn't you say? Rather than clicking on a link just to find yourself reading the same thing which you read two minutes ago.

Keep an eye out for the next posts :)



  1. Congratulations, that's exciting!

  2. Thanks. It is exciting to finally get my work out there and read by more people than just myself and the odd blog visitor.

    Hopefully good times are ahead.
